Blogger Email Follow Replacement Svcs

In seeking a replacement for the discontinued Feedburner email follow widget, I've been seeking a free-to-start, easy to use email mktg platform. I've seen ConvertKit recommended often, along with MailChimp. MailChimp has been moving away from being known primarily for email marketing, so I'm not sure how simple they have remained.

I took a peek at Mailchimp and saw plans titled Marketing Platform and Transactional Email. Just that quick look-around made me feel tired. ConvertKit's pricing page is straight-to-the-point, easily understood, at least to me, and shows many features for the free tier.

I subscribed to Peggy K's weekly newsletter to see how she does it, although I'm not sure I want to take on the extra work of newsletter production. I just want an easy way for my readers to follow by email.

Peggy K writes about a variety of tips and tricks for creators on many platforms. She chose to use Revue, a newsletter platform acquired by Twitter, to replace Feedburner's terminated RSS to email svc.

If you are interested in exploring newsletter sharing, you can read about Peggy K's overview of svcs here: Alternatives To Feedburner's RSS To Email SVC She overviews not only newsletter svcs but also RSS to email svcs.