8 Steps To Amazon Book Publishing

I started my publishing journey a couple of decades ago by typing up some of my poems and some info about myself, printing the pages out, folding them into 1/2 pages, adding a folded piece of card stock for the cover, stapling them together at the spine and I had a 5 1/2 by 8 1/2" chapbook of my poetry. I gave some away and became a publisher. After years of learning and procrastination, I became a published author at Amazon KDP. It takes time and dedicated learning but you can publish at Amazon too.
The Amazon self-publishing platform is called KDP, which stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. It used to be called CreateSpace. You can now publish hardback books at KDP, in addition to paperbacks and ebooks. Opening an author's account is free. If you already have an Amazon account you can sign in at KDP. There is no fee to publish a book but KDP provides a list of publishing service providers and resources if you need help with your book editing and/or design.

Here are the 8 steps that will help you publish your book. I elaborate on them below the list.

  1. Create an account at Amazon KDP.
  2. Decide what word processing or publishing software you will use to create your manuscripts. 
  3. Start studying the KDP instructions on how to format your manuscript or document. 
  4. Set up your blank document according to KDP's requirements and save it before beginning to type your book.
  5. Decide if you will design your book cover or hire a designer.
  6. Learn how to convert your saved manuscript into a print-ready PDF for uploading to KDP.
  7. Learn how to review and process necessary edits to your document in KDP's manuscript previewer. 
  8. Write your book listing description and approve your manuscript for publishing on Amazon.

Create an account at Amazon KDP.

If you already have an Amazon account you can sign in to KDP. Follow the instructions to set up payment for your royalties and other info. 

Decide what word processing software you will use to create your manuscripts. 

KDP examples and downloadable templates are for Microsoft Word. From KDP: Note: To set your trim size, you typically need to adjust the page or paper size setting in your chosen software (for example, Microsoft Word). You can download a Microsoft Word template in the trim size you need with or without sample content.

Most computers used to come with Microsoft Office installed. If yours did not, you'll have to buy a version of Word. OfficeSuite is a free word processing software that claims to be compatible with Word. You would have to try it to see if it can format documents using KDP's instructions. You can use other word processors or publishing software, but you'll have to learn to adjust your software settings to the KDP instructions. 

Start studying the KDP instructions on how to format your manuscript or document. 

Depending on the trim size (book dimensions) that you choose, you'll need to carefully set up the format in your word processor. Set up your blank document according to KDP's requirements and save it before beginning to type your book. You'll save your manuscript as you type it. From KDP: If your book does not contain bleed, you can upload your manuscript as a PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, HTML, or TXT file. KDP will automatically convert these file types to PDF prior to publishing/printing. If your book contains bleed, you will need to convert it to PDF format before uploading. The help pages explain about bleed.

You can also choose to format your book onsite using KDP's downloadable Kindle Create tool. From KDP: Kindle Create is a free interior formatting tool that works well with most books you want to publish on Amazon, but there are requirements and supported features we want you to know about before you download. Professionally designed themes with chapter titles, drop caps and image placement options....

Decide if you will design your book cover or hire a designer.

KDP offers a free cover creator tool. You could also hire a book cover designer for an affordable price through creative service sites like Fiverr, UpWork and Freelancer

Learn how to convert your saved manuscript into a print-ready PDF for uploading to KDP, if needed.

WikiHow: How To Convert A Microsoft Word Document To PDF Format 

 Microsoft Support: Save Or Convert To PDF Or XPS In Office Desktop Apps

Learn how to review and process necessary edits to your document in KDP's manuscript previewer. 

Fix Paperback and Hardcover Formatting Issues

Write your book listing description and approve your manuscript for publishing on Amazon.

Write A Book Description

Previewing And Publishing Your Book

Additional Tips

You also will need to learn how to upload changes and corrections to your book and/or book listing description.

You should also market your book in any way that you can think of. Don't only rely on Amazon, where millions of books are competing for attention.

Competition is very stiff and you should take part in getting your book in the public eye and keeping it there.

Read around at the KDP Community forums for valuable info from book publishing veterans and newbies too.

Visit the KDP Help Center Home for detailed guidance on everything that you need to know to publish and manage your book listings. 

Subscribe to Amazon KDP at Youtube. The videos help make the Help Center instructions much clearer. KDP also shares some videos within the Help Center guidelines.

Start your publishing journey today! Put those book ideas on paper and get to writing!