Living A Creative Life Is Easy!

You know that I like to share how easy it is to live creatively. I try to add some creativity to every facet of my life. One way that I do this is by designing and creating as much as I can of what I want and need.

I shared this post: You Are Creative! In it, I encouraged you to believe in yourself and be careful to whom you share your work with. Trying to convince others to accept and value your work is the same as casting your pearls before swine. There are those who cannot appreciate your work and they will trample it in spirit and in words.

Start creating now! No more procrastinating! Don't fail yourself anymore. Take authority over fear!

Sarah at Red Rocking Bird shares a couple of quick and easy techniques in her video, BOOST CREATIVITY - A Creative Life is a Happy Life , to get your general, creative juices flowing. She shows you how to create simple marks with any materials on any type of paper. These easy marks can then be used to design patterns that can be used in a variety of creative projects.