Showing posts with label Happy Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Friday. Show all posts

Happy Creative Weekend!


What will you create this weekend? It's time to try something new. Use a different medium or try a different technique. Step forward and do what you've been planning to do! You can create. 

Maybe you have already but have been dragging your feet on new projects. Maybe you've always wanted to create but have never thought that you could. Well, you can. All it takes is being determined to start.

Creativity adds fun, light and excitement to life and it is fulfilling.


nomoreprocrastination nomorecouchpotato nomoreslacking createyourworld

Weekend Greetings & Seashells!

I like the sound of ocean surf but, for some reason, was never big on shore living. I prefer lake-space living, especially since I enjoy fresh-water fishing and lake flora and fauna.

The one thing that I absolutely love about being at the ocean shore is collecting shells. No matter how fine or coarse, how light or dark the sand, I can always find interesting shells to use for decor and crafting. There's something special about scavenging these brilliant, neutral-toned sea-life homes as the surf ebbs and flows around me feet.

I also enjoy collecting bits and pieces of driftwood. They make lovely, rustic windchimes and other decorative hangings and decor.