Showing posts with label Inspiration Thursday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration Thursday. Show all posts

Start With Something That You Like

Amidst the unpleasantness of life you have control over how you start your day. You set the tone by choosing to focus on the positive at the beginning of your day. No one or no thing can take this control away from you. Start your day with something that you like, a thought, a plan, a choice, an action. Determine to have a good day. It's as simple as that.

Set your course each day for positivity and success! It really is up to you!

Lettuce Craft Featured Project

~ One of my projects, Nature-Inspired Scrabble Tile Necklaces, is featured at Lettuce Craft, a wonderful, busy craft forum. I'm going to write a post about the site soon. I'm still new and learning my way around. ~

You Deserve It!

Don't forget to always reward yourself in some way, big or little, when you reach a goal or milestone, no matter how small it is, but certainly if it was a particularly difficult journey.