Showing posts with label Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Services. Show all posts

How Can I Name My Shop?

Whimsical Names For Your Shop

Are you asking yourself, How do I choose a shop name? Well, you have me to help you.

I will skillfully name your shop or brand using research and simple marketing techniques.

Your names are powerful assets with which customers should be able to associate. They should be interesting and easy to remember and pronounce. Your marketing demographic should know what to expect from you when they see your shop or brand names.

My whimsical, charming names are meaningful, appealing and exclusive. They project the message that shop owners want to convey to potential customers. They also can help to keep your shop uppermost in the minds of previous customers, encouraging them to return for a purchase. So, the question, What should I name my online shop?, is an important one.

What are good names for a store? Well, I have created many that have thrilled my customers. I have provided unique names for clients at Fiverr and Picky Domains and my reviews are all 5-star. I was also a member of Naming Force. I am serious about naming and I enjoy it. I have been naming my own products, services, brands, blogs and other for over 15 years.

So, stop obsessing and thinking how can I name my shop! Please don't choose a mediocre name out of tiredness and frustration either! You have me to help you make a shop name choice that will bring you the brand awareness and loyalty that you seek.


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visit my listing here: 

Whimsical Names For Your Shop

Where To Sell Online

You can get started selling your digitals, courses, physical products and more on Payhip for free. In this video, Payhip shows you how quick and easy it is to start your online business using their platform.

Payhip provides the easiest way to sell any digital products such as digital downloads, online courses, coaching, memberships, and physical products. Join over 130,000 sellers who have successfully launched their online businesses with Payhip.

Payhip is a great place to sell your creative products because:

  • there are no listing fees,
  • FVF is fair,
  • you can list free products,
  • sell digitals, printables, software, music, ebooks, subscriptions, courses, workbooks, fonts, presets, templates, etc.,
  • no storage limit,
  • physical product selling now available,
  • owners are responsive and attentive,
  • you can sell using embed buttons at your sites/blogs,
  • build a shop using their robust shop builder,
  • offer Paypal and/or Stripe,
  • marketing and affiliate tools,
  • and more!

Payhip is based in London and owned by Abs and Kahin Farah. They created it in 2011 and it is a profitable company. I was glad to learn this because that means that the site won't be going away any time soon. I've been through so many listing sites closing.  

I love being at Payhip! Why don't you give it a try?

Payhip Website How To Get Started

My Domain Shop Through Payhip

Dropbox And Onedrive Pros & Cons

I've been using Onedrive for some time but have known about Dropbox a long time, as well. I've had to download some files at Dropbox that I purchased. Both cloud storage systems offer free accounts with Onedrive being more economical for the value. Both services are also affiliated with Microsoft and Onedrive is free with a Microsoft account. I've been a longtime user of Outlook, so my Onedrive is through my email service.

I'm going to continue with Onedrive for now. Since Dropbox offers a free account, I'm going to sign up. It's such a popular cloud storage platform and I may need it in the future.

Casey Schmidt at Canto breaks down the pros and cons here:

Dropbox vs OneDrive – Which should you choose?

Roberto Blake On Successful Brand Deals

When asked if he finds it more difficult, as a person-of-color graphic designer and Youtube creator, to obtain brand deals in comparison to others, he replied,

Not really but I’ve also built a system for brand deals...I also do better on brand deals than most Creators my size or larger regardless of their background, due to my ability to negotiate and package my deals.

While discrimination is often endured daily by many of us, his successful focus is on evaluating how to deliver more value to the clients/customers whom he does acquire.

While I'm not aspiring to produce and upload YT videos (the unpopular slideshows format works better for my schedule), I love Roberto's content. He's clear, engaging and relevant. This is not the first time that I've written about him. 

I like making a pit stop at his channel to see what he's currently sharing. I am also a graphic designer but I don't freelance. I prefer to design pre-made products and services. Roberto produces many videos with inspiring content that can apply to any creative pursuit.

Check out his YT channel and website for great info on boosting the success of your brands.  

About Roberto Blake

Roberto Blake is dedicated to building the creator economy through helping creators and influencers build brands and businesses online. Learn how to monetize your creativity and skills, grow an audience, sell products, monetize YouTube videos, make money online, and build a personal brand. He has grown his Youtube channel to over 500,000 subscribers.

Find Roberto Online

Youtube Community

Youtube Channel 

Awesome Creator Academy 

Roberto's Youtube Starter Kit

Interested In Sponsoring Roberto Blake And Sharing Your Brand With His Viewers?

725 Ponce De Leon Ave
ATTN WeWork Roberto Blake 2nd Floor
Atlanta GA, 30306 




Blogger Email Follow Replacement Svcs

In seeking a replacement for the discontinued Feedburner email follow widget, I've been seeking a free-to-start, easy to use email mktg platform. I've seen ConvertKit recommended often, along with MailChimp. MailChimp has been moving away from being known primarily for email marketing, so I'm not sure how simple they have remained.

I took a peek at Mailchimp and saw plans titled Marketing Platform and Transactional Email. Just that quick look-around made me feel tired. ConvertKit's pricing page is straight-to-the-point, easily understood, at least to me, and shows many features for the free tier.

I subscribed to Peggy K's weekly newsletter to see how she does it, although I'm not sure I want to take on the extra work of newsletter production. I just want an easy way for my readers to follow by email.

Peggy K writes about a variety of tips and tricks for creators on many platforms. She chose to use Revue, a newsletter platform acquired by Twitter, to replace Feedburner's terminated RSS to email svc.

If you are interested in exploring newsletter sharing, you can read about Peggy K's overview of svcs here: Alternatives To Feedburner's RSS To Email SVC She overviews not only newsletter svcs but also RSS to email svcs.

Google Domains Alias Emails Feature Adds Professionalism

If you are using Google Domains for your blog or website address, you can set up alias emails to forward to an email that you use. 

The value of this feature is that you can create alias emails with your domain name as the in your subject-dedicated email addresses.

For instance, I've used email addresses for years, which have served my communication purposes very well. For my website, Printaphoria & Creative Living, my domain is Through my Google domain, I can create alias emails such as,,, etc.

Emails sent from these addresses are forwarded to me through whatever email address I choose. I chose the Outlook email that I generally use. With as my email, my shop and website addresses look professional. 

Up to 100 aliases can be created through a Google Domains account. Don't continue to overlook this wonderful feature that can take your brand to a new level of professionalism.

Google Domains is easy to use and affordable! I am not an affiliate, just a happy customer.

Pre-Made Logos: Diamond Hearts


My first pre-made logo design pkg project has been dragging along behind other projects for some time. This past week, I was inspired for some reason and pushed myself, working all day for several days to refine the first logo and write up the pkg.

I won't have to prepare the marketing content and documents again, since they will serve as templates for new logo designs. That first preparation is the most time-consuming one.

The logos that I design appeal more to handmades sellers, makers, designers, sole proprietors and other creatives. You'll see me list more detailed, artsy designs rather than the simplified, geometric designs used by companies and corporations.

I like using artwork for logo design, rather than vector work, like what I used for this Diamond Hearts logo. Vector design is fun too, so you may see them popping up in my logo shop every now and then.

I never re-sell a logo that a customer buys from me. While I may take some elements from a logo and re-work them into new designs, I never re-sell any sold designs. Any new designs will not be confused with the design from which I may have taken elements. My sold logos are exclusively owned by and identifiable with purchasers.

While I take steps to protect my images, it is important to note that I am not responsible for the possible digital theft and reuse of my logos, before or after sale.

It is the responsibility of the brand owner to become educated about protecting his/her logo and brand name. My design services do not include registering brand names or trademarking logos or providing legal business advice.

Listing For Diamond Hearts Pre-Made Logo Pkg 

Another File Format Free Of Charge

Seed Savers Envelopes at Printaphoria
At Printaphoria, I usually list products as one of these file formats:

  • Jpeg
  • Pdf
  • Png

Seed Catchers Envelopes Roses Design at Printaphoria

Occasionally, a pack may include more than one format.

If you ever need another format other than what is offered, just contact me before you order.

  1. I'll first verify that it is doable.
  2. I'll then have you purchase the listing.
  3. I will email to you the format that you need.

Best of all? It's free of charge, courtesy of




Happy Creative Day!
